Cuz I’m a 21st Century Digitalboy

February 7, 2009

L33T Speak FTW

Filed under: General Geek — digitalboy75 @ 2:52 pm

Totally geeky, totally useless…someone should get this for me as a present.  What’s truly geeky, the manual is printed on an IBM punch card. To be used instead of Scrabble tiles.

February 6, 2009


Filed under: General Geek — digitalboy75 @ 9:41 am

Wow, what a long absence of blogging. Anyhow, I’m back, with some eye candy. If you’re not familiar with Steampunk (and everybody should be, honestly!) head over to wikipedia. .

After that, check out; which defines itself as ‘Technical Art and Steampunk Contraptions’. He has some very interesting steampunk keyboards for sale, and some awesome examples of scanners disguised as books, clockwork laptops and the like. Definitely check it out at .

Computational Engine

Computational Engine

October 3, 2008

Nothing says Happy Birthday like shiny new tech

Filed under: General Geek, iphone — digitalboy75 @ 1:52 pm

For a birthday somebody very dear to my heart gave me a new 3G iphone. Since I already had the first gen phone, I very nearly turned them down, but some crappy phone connections that weekend made me stop by the AT&T store to pick up a new one.  So I’ve been using it about 3 or 4 days, and I already have my impressions

1) It was worth the upgrade, but I wouldn’t have spent my own money on it.
The external speaker is MUCH louder. Ringtones actually get my attention now, and I have to turn the speakers down when listening to iTunes without my headphones. The headphone jack plugs into everything wthout an adapter. Call quality is better (marginally) and the 3G network downloads apps/internet faster. But, I’m almost always around a Wifi, so that’s not a big difference.

2) The bastards at Apple need to learn to be backwards compatible.
The cables I’ve had forever for my old iPod and 1G phone won’t work to charge the new phone. Some do seem to work, so I’m not sure what all works and what doesn’t, to be honest. I have a mix of new, old, and old old cables. My Apple Hi Fi will play music, but not charge the new phone. That irks me, a lot.

Otherwise, not much difference. Oh yeah, there’s more storage, but I keep my itunes pretty lean. I still love the iPhone itself though, and I’m glad to have my 1G phone around for a backup.

October 1, 2008

You say potatoe, I say Audacity

Filed under: iphone — digitalboy75 @ 1:45 pm

I saw this video for making ringtones from within Itunes itself, and I thought it was interesting. I don’t do it that way, I downloaded a small piece of software called Audacity (which is great, but required a little tweaking to save files as Mp3s).  But this is a good start for less technosavy peoples. If you want Audacity tips, get ahold of me.

September 28, 2008

Oh No You…Did

Filed under: Gay, General Geek, XBox 360 — digitalboy75 @ 2:46 pm

So, I think everybody who watches the same tv shows I watch has heard the ‘Oh No You Didn’t’ soundtrack to Mercenaries 2. But did you know they now have a full version of the song available on iTunes? I bet you didn’t (oh no you didn’t!). What once was a lovable 30 second clip now runs nearly 3 minutes, for only 99 pennies. So pay them (or they’ll bust a cap in your ass).

Oh yeah, what’s great about this is the Wojahn Brothers composed this song, and they also did the memorable Fruit of the Loom commercials (Blue and The Apple of My Eye). Check them out on YouTube or Myspace (just search for Wojahn). If you like cute bois, check out ‘Gabe’ who helps the acoustic version in Episode 1 of their YouTube videos.

August 30, 2008


Filed under: General Geek, iphone — digitalboy75 @ 8:01 am

Most of my friends have a bad habit of going ‘what’s that song, that goes MmmMmmmm Mmmmm mmmmm?’ I’ve finally found the website for them, and its called Midomi. ( It lets you sing or hum a few bars and hopefully it can use a computer that doesn’t have any ears, which could bleed and mess up the search. Then it returns some likely searches. For PC’s, you need to have a microphone.

Midomi also has a pretty sweet app for the iPhone, if you’re that nerdy trendy to have one. Give it a try. Shazaam is also good, but you can’t talk, sing or hum to it. Just cup its balls gently for giving such sweet service.

Personally, I use these apps to make a note of music I hear on the radio or in someone elses car, even at a club. Since the app tags it, I just go through my phone when I get home and download it for free shell out hard cold cash to the online stores.

August 29, 2008

I hate catchup

Filed under: Random — digitalboy75 @ 9:58 am

Well, I mean catching up…from a busy month of work, a week of vacation, personal shit that I still haven’t gotten done, you name it. Its been so damn long since I blogged! But I also don’t like catsup. Ketchup. That damn condiment can’t even pick a name. Mustard is so much better. Or Ranch dressing……Ummmmmmmmm. Raaaaannnnnnccccchhhhh. Anyhow, lookup the history of catsup sometime. Weird.

I’ll be catching up soon though.

July 29, 2008

I’m going to hell. So Chill.

Filed under: General Geek — digitalboy75 @ 8:55 am

I make my friends watch this video, and I laugh hysterically every time. I’m not totally evil, its just something about her saying ‘Chiiiillll’ that makes the video in my mind go ‘chilll naga, chillll!’. And sometimes we all just need to chill.

This is actually Heather Whitestone, Miss America 1995. She was our first disabled Miss America, and she has quite an impressive story on her website,

July 24, 2008

He’s not much a bear, that Bear

Filed under: Gay — digitalboy75 @ 9:15 am

Something kind of triggered my mind the other day, and I flashed to how my gaydar totally pings on Bear Grylls, from Man vs Wild. Sure, he’s married and has two kids (Jesse and Marmaduke. Who names their kid Marmaduke? Oh wait, somebody named Bear!). But he’s somewhat hot, and I think all the ladies like him. I did a quick search for images on him…Wow, he sure poses like a homo. Check more of him at:

July 23, 2008


Filed under: iphone — Tags: — digitalboy75 @ 3:35 pm

Well the iPhone software has been out almost two weeks now. And I haven’t blogged about it yet, why? because Wordpreas just got their app online so I could do it from the phone. Woot!
Expect new blog post from
the bathroom daily.

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